Statement of Belief
Because of widespread misuse of the terms “creation” and “evolution”, the following definitions shall be employed:
CREATION (Special Theory of) is the postulate that several thousand years ago the universe, the solar system, the earth and all basic plant and animal types were brought into existence by special creative processes that are not operative today. The biological variation that has occurred since the original creation has been restricted within the designed limits of each created kind.
EVOLUTION (General Theory of) is the postulate that the universe, the solar system, the earth and all forms of life have come into existence through slow, naturalistic, spontaneous processes. All living things are believed to have arisen from a single source which itself arose from inorganic matter.
In accordance with the creation model, MAC supports a belief in a literal supernatural creation by God and a world-wide flood as recorded by Moses and to which Christ attested.
Because of the continuing accumulation of scientific data supporting a creation model and/or contradicting the evolution model, MAC believes that creation is at least as scientific and no more religious than is evolution.
MAC further maintains that evaluation of known scientific facts show the creation model to be more plausible than any such evolutionary evaluation.