Host An Event
MAC will help you to plan and implement an event or series of classes for your church, school or homeschool group.
For more information or to host an event, contact us at info@mocreation.org
Speaking Engagements
MAC speakers are available to speak to groups of any age on any topic encompassing Genesis 1 – 11 or any topic related to the Creation vs. Evolution debate.
Creation Weekend Event
Devote a weekend to immersing your congregation in the importance of a proper understanding of the creation account in scripture and the true history as revealed in the Book of Genesis.
Creation Classes
12 weeks of classes that can be held on Sunday before service or on a given night during the week.
Genesis 101 Classes
12 one-hour sessions designed to inform attendees of the importance of understanding the bible’s historical accuracy as it relates to creation, the global flood and the dispersion at the tower of Babel. Special attention is also given to the theory of evolution, its many scientific problems and it’s incompatibility with scripture.
Choose from the following classes:
What Does the Bible Say About Creation?
What does the bible say.....and not just in Genesis?
Geology: The Rocks Cry Out
Evidence for a global flood and explanation of radiometric and carbon dating methods.
Natural Selection: It’s Not All It’s Cracked Up To Be
Examines what natural selection explains and what it cannot explain.
The Wonder of the Cell
Let’s take a look inside the incredible complexity of the cell.
They’re Making Monkeys Out of Us
An examination of evolutionists’ evidence for “Apemen”.
One Blood: The Truth About Race
What Does Science and the Bible say about the “races”?
Language & The Dispersion at the Tower of Babel
Current languages will be traced all the way back to the Tower of Babel.
The Descent of Man
Biblical/true picture of man’s history.
Missouri’s Record of Creation & The Flood: Geology in the Show-Me State
Evidence for Creation and the Flood can be found close to home, if you know what to look for!
Cultural Implications and Threats of Evolution
Examines the impact that the theory of evolution has had on our lives and our culture.
Stephen Hawking....... Theologian?
What did the world’s premier physicist believe about natural law and how does it fit the facts?
Arguments for Evolution: Weighed and Found Wanting
An examination of the validity of the evolutionists’ “best” arguments.
Creation vs. Evolution - Does it Really Matter?
Explains the critical importance of correct view of origins.
In Six Days?
What the Bible indicates about the age of the earth.
Fossils & the Flood
Examines how the biblical flood explains fossils & sedimentary rock formations that we find today.
Radiometric Dating & Its Implica- tions for the Age of the Earth
Examines a variety of dating methods, their accuracy and what they can and cannot tell us.
Reflections on our Masterful Maker
An examination of the wisdom and cre- ativity of Creator God.
Don’t See it on this list?
Ask us about creating it for you.
Hey, There are Dinosaurs in my Bible!
A Biblical and scientific analysis of dinosaurs.
Why is There Death and Suffering in the World?
Biblical answers to this >4,000 year
old question.
Intelligently Designed
Numerous examples of scientists learning from their Creator.
Top 10 Reasons to Reject the Theory of Evolution
Both science and scripture are used to refute the Big Bang/Evolutionary model.
Science & the Bible, Are They Compatible?
When scripture speaks of science, is it accurate?
The Heavens Declare......
God or the Big Bang? Let’s look at this incredible universe!
Earth: Our Privileged Planet
An examination of the mind-boggling symbiosis necessary for earth to sustain life.
Mt St Helens and the Lake Missoula Flood: Lessons from Modern Catastrophes
Learn about the history of geology and the Flood through the lenses of much smaller, yet awe-inspiring catastrophes. Can be delivered as 1 or 2-part presentations.
Creation Mini-Series
5 one-hour sessions targeted to specific topics, including:
Creation From A Biblical Perspective
1. Creation vs. Evolution: Does It Really Matter?
2. Science and the Bible: Are They Compatible?
3. In Six Days?
4. The Heavens Declare: God or the Big Bang?
5. Earth: Our Privileged Planet
Creation vs. Evolution: What About the Science?
1. Natural Selection: Not All It’s Cracked Up to Be
2. Radiometric Dating and the Implications for the Age of the Earth
3. Arguments for Evolution: Weighed and Found Wanting
4. The Wonder of the Cell
5. Top 10 Reasons to Reject the Theory of Evolution
Evolution’s Societal Implications
1. They’re Making Monkeys Out of Us
2. Culture Implications and Threats of Evolution
3. One Blood: The Truth About Race
4. Why Is There Death and Suffering in the World?
5. Stephen Hawking.....Theologian?
Biblical History....From the Beginning
1. Why is There Death and Suffering in the World?
2. One Blood: The Truth About Race
3. Fossils & the Flood
4. Languages & the Dispersion at the Tower of Babel
5. Hey, There are Dinosaurs in My Bible
Creation vs. Evolution: Let’s Get Logical
1. What does the Bible say about Creation?
2. Earth: Our Privileged Planet
3. Intelligently Designed
4. The Descent of Man
5. Top 10 Reasons to Reject the Theory of Evolution
Mt St Helens & Geologic Catastrophism Series
1. Circle of Time: The History of Geology
2. Piecing together Earth’s Puzzle: Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes, & The Flood
3. The Story of Mt St Helens
4. Rocks aren’t Clocks: Canyons, Strata, & Radioisotope Dating
5. Fossil Forests & Life’s Design
Creation Weekend
Devote a weekend to immersing your congregation in the importance of a proper understanding of the creation account in scripture and the true history as revealed in the Book of Genesis. These events can be customized to your needs, they typically begin with a Friday night DVD followed by three sessions on Saturday morning beginning with a presentation emphasizing the historical and biblical importance of the Book of Genesis. Attendees will then be able to choose from three topics in the final two sessions.
Here is a typical Creation Weekend program:
Friday Night:
DVD: Is Genesis History?
Saturday Morning:
8:30 AM - Creation vs. Evolution: Why Does It Matter?
9:30 AM - Attendee’s Choice:
Science in the Bible
Fossils & The Flood
Wonder of the Cell
10:30 AM - Attendee’s Choice:
One Blood: The Truth About Race
Creation, Evolution & Absurdity
Descent of Man
11:30 AM - Question & Answer Session
Sunday Morning:
Sunday School session and/or sermon by MAC Speaker
Is Genesis History? Movie Night
This documentary film features over a dozen scientists and scholars explaining how the world intersects with Genesis. From rock layers to fossils, to lions and stars, this fascinating film will change the way you see the world. The goal of the film is
to provide a positive case for Creation in six normal days, a real Adam and Eve, a global flood, and a tower of Babel. Dr. Del Tackett, creator of “The Truth Project,” serves as your guide—hiking through canyons, climbing up mountains, and diving below the sea—in an exploration of two competing views ... one compelling truth.
MAC speakers will be available for Question & Answer session after the film.
For more information about the movie and to view the trailer visit: isgenesishistory.com
MAC speakers are available to speak to groups of any age on any topic that encompasses Genesis 1 – 11 (Creation, the Flood & The Tower of Babel) or any topic related to the Creation vs. Evolution debate.
There is typically no fee charged for our speakers, although we gratefully appreciate love offerings given to the organization in order to further our mission.
Typical Speaker Topics include:
Creation vs. Evolution – Why It’s Important
Logic and Critical Thinking
Age of the Earth, What the Bible Says
Geology, Fossils & the Flood
Carbon and Radiometric Dating
Biology – DNA, Natural Selection & Mutations
Science in the Bible
Why is There Death and Suffering in the World?
Is There an Ape In Your Past?The Genius of Ancient Man
One Blood, the Truth About Race
Top 10 Reasons to Reject the Theory of Evolution
For more information or to host an event, contact us at info@mocreation.org
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
— Genesis 1:1