Upcoming events

Creation Calendar: The Scorpion
Click here to hear about the design of the scorpion, from MAC president Marv Schaefer.
MAC April Meeting
Come here one of our speakers discuss God’s creation and the authority of God’s Word from the very first verse!
Join us at The Rock Church at 15101 Manchester Rd., Ballwin, MO 63011
OR STREAM the presentation on-line here at our YouTube channel.

MAC Creation Zoo Tour
Sign up for our Creation Zoo Tour to hear our MAC Speakers proclaim the wisdom and goodness of God as displayed in what He has made! It will change your view of the zoo!

MAC Creation Zoo Tour
Sign up for our Creation Zoo Tour to hear our MAC Speakers proclaim the wisdom and goodness of God as displayed in what He has made! It will change your view of the zoo!

MAC May Meeting
Come here one of our speakers discuss God’s creation and the authority of God’s Word from the very first verse!
Join us at The Rock Church at 15101 Manchester Rd., Ballwin, MO 63011
OR STREAM the presentation on-line here at our YouTube channel.

Creation Calendar: The North American Porcupine
Click here to hear about the prickly porcupine from MAC Speaker Paul Weiland.
A mother porcupine and her youngster sharing a sweet moment!
MAC June Meeting
Come here one of our speakers discuss God’s creation and the authority of God’s Word from the very first verse!
Join us at The Rock Church at 15101 Manchester Rd., Ballwin, MO 63011
OR STREAM the presentation on-line here at our YouTube channel.

Creation Calendar: The Majestic Bald Eagle
The bald eagle is one of the most majestic and powerful birds. Click here to hear MAC Speaker Paul Weiland share his findings on their incredible design features by our awesome Creator!

Creation Calendar: The Hummingbird
Not every bird whistles. Some just hum! Click here to hear MAC Speaker Steve Grimes describe the unique design features of birds, the difficulty of flying, and the spectacular hummingbird. These creatures display the amazing wisdom of Jesus, who created all things!
Picture by James Wainscoat, on UnSplash.

Creation Calendar: What in the world?? Yes, the Platypus
The platypus is such a diverse mixture of different features that when it was first discovered, many people did not believe it was real. Click here to hear MAC Speaker Gary Winkler describe God’s wisdom in the platypus that confuses the wisdom of men! What an awesome God we serve!

Creation Calendar: The Chameleon
The chameleon is another creature where God’s invisible attributes and divine nature are clearly seen. Click here to hear about it's amazing design features from MAC Zoo Tour Director Scott Jarus.

Creation Calendar: A Lion? A Tiger? No, its a Liger!
What, a Liger? Is this evolution in action?! Absolutely not!! Click here to listen to MAC Zoo Tour Director Scott Jarus discuss the design features of Big Cats, and how we can understand a hybrid like the Liger with a Biblical worldview!

Promotional Video 2026 Creation Calendar
“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.”
Psalm 19:1 ESV
That is the theme for the MAC 2026 Creation Calendar. Click here to hear the many ways our immense universe displays God’s eternal power and divine nature and how it refutes evolutionary thinking. Get your calendar on order today at our store!

Creation Calendar: All Kinds of Dogs!
Dogs are intelligent, loyal, friendly and compassionate, just what you would want in a best friend! Click here and listen to MAC Speaker Steve Grimes discuss the goodness of God in His design of the dog kind and how the great variety of dogs also points to God’s incredible wisdom!

MAC Meeting - Show Me! Geology: Missouri's Record of Creation, the Flood, and the Ice Age
Show Me! Geology: Missouri's Record of Creation, the Flood, and the Ice Age

Creation Calendar: The Enormous Blue Whale
Click here to learn about the largest animal in the world, the Blue Whale, from MAC Speaker Dennis Genovese.

Creation Weekend @ First Baptist Church -Winfield
First Baptist Church - Winfield, in partnership with the Missouri Association for Creation will be hosting a Creation Conference on Friday night February 21 & Saturday morning, February 22.

Creation Weekend @ First Baptist Church -Winfield
First Baptist Church - Winfield, in partnership with the Missouri Association for Creation will be hosting a Creation Conference on Friday night February 21 & Saturday morning, February 22.

February Meeting: Origin of Life - Can Natural Processes Generate Life??
Origin of Life - Can natural processes generate life?
Creation Calendar: The Octopus
Click here and listen to MAC President Marv Schaefer describe another of God’s amazing creatures, the octopus!

January Meeting: Systems - Big and Little
Systems Big and Little, and how they point to an infinitely wise Creator.

Creation Weekend at New Community Church
New Community Church, in partnership with the Missouri Association for Creation will be hosting a Creation Conference on Friday night November 22 & Saturday morning, November 23.

Creation Weekend at New Community Church
New Community Church, in partnership with the Missouri Association for Creation will be hosting a Creation Conference on Friday night November 22 & Saturday morning, November 23.

Grand Canyon: A Lot of Water in a Little Time
How was the Grand Canyon formed—by a slow process of erosion over millions of years by the Colorado River, or in a short time through a massive flooding event? Discover why many leading creation geologists support the model of the Grand Canyon being formed rapidly by a post-Flood lake spillover and a breached dam through the Kaibab Plateau. Join us as we explore the latest research Canyon Ministries is involved in, working to uncover the historical events that shaped this awe-inspiring landscape.

Intelligently Designed
Intelligently Designed
Gary Winkler will be our guest speaker for our October 14th meeting.
Talk Description: To solve some of our toughest problems, scientists and engineers are copying designs from God’s creation. This has become a scientific field known as Biomimetics (or Biomimicry). The talk shows some fascinating examples of this, plus provides overviews of the Intelligent Design scientific movement, Natural Theology, and what the Bible says on the subject.
About our Speaker:
Gary is an engineer with 35 years experience and has received multiple patents. After being confronted in 2004 with evidence that human evolution stories were dubious, he began researching all the lines of “evidence for evolution”. His resulting conclusion is that science thoroughly supports the Biblical model and it soundly rejects the evolutionary model. He now works to share this information with others, to help them defend their faith, and to know that the Bible is true from beginning to end..
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September Event: Bees
The Hive and the Honeybee
John Coffman will be our guest speaker for our September 9th meeting.
Talk Description: The world often gets excited about the honeybee. Everywhere you look, people are saying, “Save the Bees!” Why is this? It’s because they see how important and amazing these creatures are, and they think that the world will end without them! We know that the world isn’t going to end because all the bees died, but we should look at how wonderful they are and worship God for it. Lorenzo Langstroth, the father of modern beekeeping, wrote, “The Creator may be seen in all the works of his hands; but in few more directly than in the wise economy of the Honey-Bee.” Join us as we take a look at this most wonderful piece of God’s creation!
About our Speaker:
John Coffman is a beekeeper from Antonia, Missouri. He learned beekeeping from his grandfather, Claude, who began beekeeping in the late 1940s. The craft has been an important part of the Coffman family for over 70 years. When the Lord saved John in 2018, his greatest struggle with believing the Bible was what it said about creation. The Lord provided help in many ways to help with this struggle, but two of the most important were: (1) The Missouri Association for Creation and (2) watching the honeybees and seeing how beautiful and complex they are. He has been studying at Brookes Bible College for three years, pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Theology, and he is the Administrative Services Coordinator for the college.

The Grand Experiment (part 2 of 2)
The Grand Experiment - Ape-man frauds, part 2 of 2
Dr. Werner will be our guest speaker for our July 8th and August 12th meetings.
He will be delineating the findings in the 3rd and 4th volumes of his Grand Experiment book
series in which he tackles the compelling question: Did humans evolve from apes?
It will be a rare insight into the world of anthropology, the major ape-man fossils, and the
scientists who found them. Dr. Werner has documented more than 150 instances of what he has determined to be frauds committed by scientists working in the field of human evolution.
Be sure to join us for this interesting and educational event!
301 Droste Rd.
St. Charles, MO 63301
📺 LIVESTREAM FROM HERITAGE BIBLE CHURCH WEBSITE: https://www.facebook.com/p/Heritage-Bible-Church-100091301532920/
About our Speaker:
Dr Carl Werner is the Executive Producer of Evolution: The Grand Experiment video series and
author of Evolution: The Grand Experiment book series and curriculum. He received his
undergraduate degree in Biology, with distinction, at the University of Missouri, graduating
summa cum laude. He received his doctorate degree in Medicine at the age of 23.
In his sophomore year of college, Dr. Carl Werner was challenged by a fellow classmate with
these words: “I bet you can’t prove evolution.” Disturbed by his classmate’s somewhat poignant criticisms of the theory, Dr. Werner (a biology major at the time) pondered this conversation for some time. From this point, he began his quest for an answer.
Over the next nearly three decades, 1997-present, Dr. Werner then traveled 298,000 miles to
museums and dig sites around the globe, photographing thousands of original fossils and the
actual fossil layers where they were found.
More on Dr. Werner can be found on his website: www.thegrandexperiment.com.

Origins 2024
The annual conference of the CBS, CGS, and CTS will be held in St. Louis, MO beginning on Sunday evening July 21 and running through the optional field trip on Wednesday morning.

The Grand Experiment (part 1 of 2)
The Grand Experiment - Ape-man frauds, part 1 of 2
Dr. Werner will be our guest speaker for our July 8th and August 12th meetings.
He will be delineating the findings in the 3 rd and 4th volumes of his Grand Experiment book
series in which he tackles the compelling question: Did humans evolve from apes?
It will be a rare insight into the world of anthropology, the major ape-man fossils, and the
scientists who found them. Dr. Werner has documented more than 150 instances of what he has determined to be frauds committed by scientists working in the field of human evolution.
Be sure to join us for this interesting and educational event!
301 Droste Rd.
St. Charles, MO 63301
📺 LIVESTREAM FROM HERITAGE BIBLE CHURCH WEBSITE: https://www.facebook.com/p/Heritage-Bible-Church-100091301532920/
About our Speaker:
Dr Carl Werner is the Executive Producer of Evolution: The Grand Experiment video series and
author of Evolution: The Grand Experiment book series and curriculum. He received his
undergraduate degree in Biology, with distinction, at the University of Missouri, graduating
summa cum laude. He received his doctorate degree in Medicine at the age of 23.
In his sophomore year of college, Dr. Carl Werner was challenged by a fellow classmate with
these words: “I bet you can’t prove evolution.” Disturbed by his classmate’s somewhat poignant criticisms of the theory, Dr. Werner (a biology major at the time) pondered this conversation for some time. From this point, he began his quest for an answer.
Over the next nearly three decades, 1997-present, Dr. Werner then traveled 298,000 miles to
museums and dig sites around the globe, photographing thousands of original fossils and the
actual fossil layers where they were found.
More on Dr. Werner can be found on his website: www.thegrandexperiment.com.

Understanding the Geologic Column & the Fossil Record
Understanding the Geologic Column & the Fossil Record
Beneath the Earth's surface lies a record of events, creatures, and worlds that seem both familiar and strangely alien to us. The secular scientific consensus claims that the rocks and fossils of the Earth are evidence for evolution, long ages, and the inaccuracy of the Biblical record. Creationists argue that, rightly-interpreted, the geology of the Earth supports the Bible's history. In this approachable, 2-part presentation, Zachary Klein defines and demystifies the "Geologic Column" and the "Fossil Record", and shows how these twin pillars of modern geology can be interpreted within a Biblical creationist paradigm - with some intriguing surprises along the way!
Gateway Creation Conference
The animal kingdom is brimming with God’s creativity and wisdom. All creatures great and small, lowly and majestic, each have a part to play in showcasing the “invisible attributes” of their Creator. Join us at the 2024 Gateway Creation Conference: “Now Ask the Beasts”, as we explore and wonder at the living creatures that display God’s glory!
A youth track for attendees 12 and under will be available, featuring engaging presentations from Peter Schriemer as well as members of the MAC Zoo Tour team.
Registration is now open! We hope to see you there!
“How numerous are Your works, O LORD!
In wisdom You have made them all.”
Psalm 104:24
Dr Randy Guliuzza, President, Institute for Creation
Dr. David Lee, Biologist, Missouri Baptist University
Peter Schriemer Wildlife Educator and TV Host
Dr Joel Brown Director, Creation Research Society
Register online at: https://www.creationconf.com
Use code MAC-15 for 15% off your registration!

What Did God Create on Day 2?
On the second day of Creation Week, God created the “firmament”, or expanse, dividing the primordial water into two domains; the waters above the expanse, and the waters below. The waters below the expanse become planet Earth. But what about the waters above the expanse? What is the expanse, anyway? This presentation will provide an overview of some common interpretations of the Day 2 account, and also will summarize recent young-earth creationist research on this topic.
Heritage Bible Church
301 Droste Rd.
St. Charles, MO 314-549-8224
Livestream from the website of Heritage Bible Church: https://biblechurchinstcharles.org
About our Speaker:
Hannah Klein is an amateur astronomer and a physics undergraduate at Liberty University. She is a co-organizer of the Clearly Seen Creation Conferences, an event series that aims to help people see the glory of God as revealed in the things He has made. She is also a staff writer for the New Creation blog, a website popularizing young-earth creationist scientific research.

MAC Homeschool Day at the Zoo
The Missouri Association for Creation is hosting another amazing Creation Zoo Tour at the St. Louis Zoo!!
Please sign-up to bring your family to our tour declaring God's awesome wisdom and abundant goodness in His amazing animals!.
MAC Zoo Tour 2024 Spring Edition is scheduled for April 29 & 30

5 Canards of Evolution - by Marv Schaefer
5 Canards of Evolution
According to Dictionary.com, a canard is false or baseless, usually derogatory story, report or rumor. Evolutionists routinely state as fact things that are questionable at best and wildly speculative at worst.
In this presentation we'll look at five of their favorite canards and do our best to shine the light of truth on them.
Marv Schaefer
MAC President

MAC at Great Homeschool Convention
MAC is at Great Homeschool Convention - March 21-23
Shop for resources, attend workshops and learn from a great lineup of speakers, including these gentlemen from the Missouri Association for Creation (MAC):
Dr Joel Brown
Speaking on “Birds, Bugs, and Black Walnut Trees – Bringing Nature into Your Homeschooling”, Saturday at 11:30AM
Zachary Klein
Speaking on “Show Me Geology! Teaching Biblical History Through Missouri’s Geological Heritage”, Thursday at 4:00PM
Click here for more details, or see full schedule here or click here to register.
Or come and shop for free Thursday 5-8pm
Be sure to stop at MAC's booth for some exciting drawing prizes and more!

Those Amazing Animals!
Those Amazing Animals! Presentations by various MAC Zoo Tour Speakers

Church Fathers and Creation: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Church Fathers and Creation: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The Heavens (Still) Declare the Glory of God!
The Heavens (Still) Declare the Glory of God
What the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Is Revealing About Creation

Movie Night: Fearfully And Wonderfully Made
Explore the stunning miracle of the prenatal development and birth of a child.

DNA And Genetic Information
Mind-boggling intricacies reveal the hand of an awesome Creator.
Monthly Meeting: The Light Travel Time Problem
The Light Travel Time Problem:
Distant Starlight and the Age of the Universe
If the universe is less than ten thousand years old, how can we see starlight from galaxies that are millions of light-years away? This question has been the focus of creation astronomy for decades. In this presentation, we will overview some of the major proposed solutions to the light-travel time problem, and see how this research has shaped the field of creation astronomy. Scientific progress is often made through competition among multiple theories, each attempting to explain apparent inconsistencies in the available evidence. We’ll see how creation scientists have used this approach to answer the apparent inconsistency between the data of Scripture and the data of astronomy.
About our speaker: Hannah Klein is an amateur astronomer and a physics undergraduate at Liberty University. She is a co-organizer of the Clearly Seen Creation Conferences, an event series that aims to help people see the glory of God as revealed in the things He has made. She is also a staff writer for the New Creation blog, a website popularizing young-earth creationist scientific research.
For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day.
— Exodus 20:11