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The Eruptions of Mt St Helens: Lessons from a Modern Catastrophe
Presented by Zachary Klein
The Wonder of the Cell
Presented by Steve Grimes
The Circle of Time: Is The Present the Key to the Past?
Presented by Zachary Klein
Creation Evangelism: Foundational to the Gospel of Christ
Presented by Scott Jarus
Ancient DNA Vs The Bible
Presented by Rob Carter
Piecing Together Earth's Puzzle: Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes, & The Flood
Presented by Zachary Klein
Genetics, Natural Selection, and the Death Knell of the Neo Darwinian Synthesis
Presented by Steve Grimes
The Descent of Man
Presented by Gary Winkler
Stephen Hawking: Theologian?
Presented by Marc Schaefer
Hey! There Are Dinosaurs In My Bible
Presented by Steve Grimes
“For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water.”
— 2 Peter 3:5-6