Tribute to David Menton, 1938-2021
The MAC Board of Directors are sad to report the death of Dr. David Menton, a true giant among Creation Apologists and a dear friend. While we are sad to see him go, we are elated that he is now in the presence of the Creator and Savior that he honored with a life of devotion.
Natural Selection and Macroevolution
Darwin's only observable evidence for "evolution in action" was the great variation that occurs within species of animals and plants under domestication. Darwin, who knew nothing of genetics, assumed that there was virtually no limit to this variation among the individuals of a species, though any breeder could have told him otherwise.
The Origin of Life
One of the most fundamental axioms of biology is that all life comes from pre-existing life. Still, until the later part of the 19th century, life was believed to arise from non-living matter by a process called "spontaneous generation."