How was the Grand Canyon formed—by a slow process of erosion over millions of years by the Colorado River, or in a short time through a massive flooding event? Discover why many leading creation geologists support the model of the Grand Canyon being formed rapidly by a post-Flood lake spillover and a breached dam through the Kaibab Plateau. Join us as we explore the latest research Canyon Ministries is involved in, working to uncover the historical events that shaped this awe-inspiring landscape.
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Nate Loper
Nate is the Executive Director of Canyon Ministries. He has been leading trips and tours throughout the Southwest for more than 20 years, and has around 1,000 days guiding and teaching in the Grand Canyon National Park. Over the years, he has also guided multi-day trips to various National Parks in the west, as well as creation science and biblical archaeology tours through natural history museums and sites around the world.