Creation Weekend 2025
“In Defense of Creator God”
First Baptist Church - Winfield is located at 3700 State Hwy 47, Winfield, MO 63389
Details and Schedule of Events
Friday Night, February 21st
7:00 PM: One Day Over Coffee… A Conversation About Origins
A One-Act Play: Marv and Scott haven’t seen each other since college and have a chance meeting at the local Coffee Shop.
What follows is not what Scott expected… but Marv prays for opportunities like this one.
8:00 PM: Creation vs. Evolution – Does It Really Matter? - Presentation by Scott Jarus.
This presentation will emphasize the critical importance of having a correct view of origins,
the influence it has on your belief in the Scriptures, and the foundation it is for the Christian faith.
This will serve as a platform on which Saturday’s presentations will be built.
Saturday Morning, February 22nd
8:30 AM: Introduction
8:45 AM Attendees may choose from one of these three presentations:
In Six Days? - Presentation by Gary Winkler
Were the six days of creation literal or metaphorical? What does a correct interpretation of scripture tell us?
If they are literal days and the earth is young, is there scientific evidence to back that up?
This presentation will thoroughly examine both science & scripture in order to answer these questions.
Earth, Our Privileged Planet - Presentation by Denny Genovese
Every living thing on this planet is dependent on so many other things for survival. This presentation will examine the mind-boggling
symbiosis and complexity necessary to sustain life on this planet and will rightly give praise to the God of Creation.
Missouri’s Record of Creation & The Flood: Geology in the Show-Me State - Presentation by Zak Klein
Evidence for the Biblical Flood is plentiful in the State of Missouri. This presentation will identify how to spot it, and where to find it.
Children’s Program – Hey, There Are Dinosaurs in My Bible! (Steve Grimes)
9:45 AM Attendees may choose from one of these three presentations:
One Blood: The Truth About Race - Presentation by Marv Schaefer
The Biblical worldview leads us to a correct understanding of “race”. There is only one.
We can trace our lineage back through Noah and his sons to Adam and Eve.
So, how do we explain the variety of skin colors and eye shapes?
Why are certain traits isolated to certain people groups?
This presentation will answer those questions and many more..
Why Is There Death and Suffering in the World? - Presentation by Scott Jarus
Most Christians have been asked this question… but how do we respond? What is the best way to answer with biblical truth and at the same time
provide comfort and understanding to those who are hurting? This presentation identifies the biblical way to approach this difficult subject.
The 10 Best Evidences for Creation and a Young Earth - Presentation by Steve Grimes
The Apostle Paul testifies that evidence for God can be clearly seen in Creation. Alternatively, atheists often claim that "science" over the centuries has incrementally removed the need to appeal to the supernatural in explaining what we see in the cosmos. This talk drills into just 10 of the countless examples
that point to Creation by the hand of God in the relatively recent past. The evidence presented, like metamorphosis, defies explanation by any slow, gradual, undirected, materialistic process like evolution..
Children’s Program – Butterflies, Camels & Chimps, Oh My! (Denny Genovese)
10:45 AM Attendees may choose from one of these three presentations:
Creation Evangelism - God Clearly Seen - Presentation by Scott Jarus
Every day, God uses His creation to display Himself to the world. Blind random chance cannot bring about the
irreducible complexity we see in creation, which reveals His infinite wisdom and goodness. Learn why creation is foundational
to the message of salvation and how to come alongside the greatest Evangelist and effectively proclaim Him to others.
Science and the Bible: Are They Compatible? - Presentation by Marv Schaefer
While the Bible is not a science book, it does speak of science. Since it is the Word of God it must be accurate… and it is. There are laws of nature that are described in Scripture thousands of years before scientists discovered them. This presentation will explore this fascinating topic..
The Miracle of Water - Presentation by Denny Genovese
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.” Genesis 1:1-2
The first day, God created water. In fact, the earth was a large water ball. What is water and why did God create it first? It isn’t just in the oceans, rivers and lakes, it’s in the atmosphere and the soil, in fact it is everywhere. This presentation will show God’s wisdom and creativity by investigating this incredible, life-sustaining substance.
Children’s Program – The Rocks Cry Out! (Bill Barnes)
11:45 AM: Question & Answer Session - All Speakers
The Missouri Association for Creation (MAC) exists to promote Special Creation by God as the best, most reasonable and true explanation of the origin of life and the world we live in, to defend that position against the proponents of the General Theory of Evolution, and to equip those who are like-minded to be able to explain and defend their beliefs and positions through a careful examination of available scientific evidence, fundamental laws of nature, and the evidence from Scripture.
First Baptist Church of Winfield
3700 State Hwy 47
Winfield, MO 63389